"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves ensure justice for those being exploited and crushe​d" Proverbs 31:9
We must insure all resources are working together to support families if they are to overcome the physical, emotional and spiritual devastation of Family Domestic Violence.
Family Domestic Violence has no boundaries and cares not what ethnicity you are, where you work, income, social status or education level. It is not a cultural concern, but a human concern.
Victims Assistance
Respond to crisis calls
Provide Risk Assessment
Develope Safety Planning
Connect victims with local and state resources
Inform Victims of Family Violence Act & Laws which protect them
Help victims navigate barriers to safe shelter and victims assistance programs
Emotional Peer Support
Prevention Education
Training for Professionals
Family Violence Prevention Educational Workshops and Seminars
Facilitate Healthly Relationship Classes
Conduct Middle and High School Teen Dating Violence Workshops
Teach Understanding Men 101 Adult Classes
Community Outreach
Public Service Announcements
Supply Public and Private sectors with Helpline Literature resources and information
Attend and Exhibit at community events
Prevention Education & Resources
Speaking Engagements - Awareness & Empowerment
Promote Political and Social Change
Membership GCADV - Carroll County Chamber of Commmerce
Engage Community Stakeholders, civic organization's and businesses
Bridge the gap between local service providers and the faith based community